WELcome to gigi’s blog, a one stop resource for busy parents who want the best for them and their loved-ones.

This blog is a collection of tips, articles, tidbits, and recipes to help you with your overwhelming life on your way to a more fulfilling and healthy living.

As an extensive USA TRAVELER, I can guide you and your loved ones on your next destination! I create the best road trips, weekend trips and family getaways within the United States! In this blog, I will give you the best tips traveling the USA with or without your family!

Feeling overwhelmed as parents? Let me show you how you can find harmony in all aspects of parenthood, giving you healthier habits through food, exercice and many little things. In this blog you’ll find recipes and tips to help with your stress, immunity, and general health.


With over three decades helping families with their children, I can help you find fun and educational outings for kids! Get great ideas for fun activities and discover places you never even imagined existed! Making lifetime memories with your kids has never been so easy!


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I am taking on new projects. If you have any need in planning a trip in the USA, selecting the perfect activity for kids, or want to have personal wellness plans, please get in touch.

→ USA With Gigi

Find the perfect journey around the USA for you.

→ Parents Healthy Living

Get the healthy life you deserve with customised health plans and tips.

→ Kids Activity Planning

Create memories with your loved ones.

30+ years
of experience

I am a certified health-coach with a solid accreditation in childcare. I traveled extensively across the USA for both work and leisure. I live in Reno, Nevada, and Los Angeles, California, with my husband and I enjoy long hikes, road trips, yoga and healthy habits.


As a certified health coach, I am not providing healthcare, medical, or nutritional therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue.
The information provided on this blog is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen.
Do not disregard medical advice or delay seeking medical advice because of information you read on this blog. Do not start or stop any medications without speaking to your medical or mental health provider.


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